Each Kindergartner enrolled in the Rappahannock County Public Schools receives a personal MyFuture Savings account. FamilyFutures makes an initial deposit of $100. Then from kindergarten through their senior year, each student can earn up to $100 more by completing age-appropriate tasks on their own, in school, or with their parents or caregivers. The financial education coordinator works with teachers and other school staff to design and deliver creative opportunities that increase financial knowledge and personal skills, such as planning, making choices, and setting priorities. The Coordinator documents completion, and FamilyFutures makes the additional earned deposits on a quarterly basis. Students receive individual quarterly statements. At graduation, they may have as much as $1500, plus interest, if they complete all learning objectives during their school career.
The children’s savings account program initiated by FamilyFutures is the first in Virginia.
We open accounts for every new public school kindergartner with a $100 seed deposit
and opportunities to earn up to $1500 by graduation.
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